Collection of links relevant for the EDPHiS project:

  Scottish Government
  Health Protection Scotland
  Health Scotland
  NHS Scotland
  Good places, better health initiative
  Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO Newsletters)
  Scottish Government Statistics
  Scottish Executive Urban Rural Classification 2005 - 2006
  National Library for Public Health
  Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2009: Sustainable Places and Greenspace
UK data and documents
  Department of Health, Strategy for children and young people's health
  Health Protection Agency, A Children’s Environment and Health Strategy for the United Kingdom
  CABE - The government's advisor on architecture, urban design and public space
Health Impact Assessment in general
  Ecosystems and human well-being (in: The Encyclopedia of the Earth)
  Managing the health effects of climate change, The Lancet Commissions, UK (Report 2009)
  Greenspace Scotland
  Environmental Protection UK