EDPHiS Project team

Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM), Edinburgh

An independent not-for-profit institute whose research work includes exposure assessment, toxicology and epidemiology, with high-level reviews for the EU, for UK Government Departments, for IARC, and for specific industries. Fintan Hurley (Scientific Director) led on developing methodology for health impact assessment (HIA) within the EU's ExternE and Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Programmes, leads the new EU HEIMTSA HIA study, and is active on UK and international (e.g. WHO, USEPA) expert groups.

NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Edinburgh

CEH is the UK's Centre of Excellence for research in the land and freshwater environmental sciences; Atmospheric Sciences Section in Edinburgh has a high international reputation in the measurement and modelling of surface/atmosphere exchange fluxes of gases and particles, including (with University of Edinburgh) high resolution (5x5 and 1x1 km) dispersion models (e.g. FRAME, EMEP4UK). Dr. Stefan Reis has worked on integrated assessment modelling of environmental and health impacts of air pollution for >10 years. A member of relevant UNECE Task Forces, he has coordinated several EU HIA projects.

Scottish Agricultural Colleges (SAC), Edinburgh

SAC supports the development of rural industries and communities through research, education, training, advice and consulting and provides a link with the ABRG research programme. The Land Economy (LE) Research Group focuses on policy evaluation, environmental economics, agricultural economics, farming systems, land-use and planning. Dr Dominic Moran (Senior Natural Resources Economist at the SAC, Edinburgh; specialist in applied cost-benefit analysis, policy modelling and the valuation of non market impacts including health) will co-ordinate input from colleagues across various relevant SAC Divisions.

School of Geography, University of Exeter

The University of Exeter is a research led top 10 UK university. It was described in 2008 by the UK Times Higher Education as one of the "rising stars among research intensive institutions". The university has recently launched an inter-disciplinary "Climate Change and Sustainable Futures (CCSF)" initiative. The CCSF is part of a £30 million University-funded Science Strategy to support the climate change area. This funding builds on Exeter's world-leading research in climate prediction, adaptation and mitigation, and reinforces close liaison with the UK Met Office, also based in Exeter. Dr Clive Sabel, BSc (Hons) Geography, MSc in GIS, and PhD GIS, Environmental exposure & health from University of Lancaster, UK (1999). Ass. Prof. in Climate Change & Health, and member of School of Geography's Climate Change & Sustainability research cluster. His previous posts include Principle Research Fellow, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London, and Senior Lecturer in GIS at University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (DEOM), University of Aberdeen

DEOM research, addressing the exposures of individuals and populations and consequent health outcomes, is collaborative and international, including leading the EU funded Geoparkinson study, a range of studies on air pollution and health; and a current study (BHETSE) to evaluate the effects of the recent smoke-free legislation in Scotland Dr. Sean Semple researches dermal and ingestion exposure (pesticides, solvents) well as inhalation of outdoor and indoor (ETS) air pollution.

Caledonian Environment Centre (CES), Glasgow Caledonian University

The Centre offers expertise in a varied range of environmental disciplines including waste management, sustainability and environmental education. The co-located Sustainability Centre provides a multi-disciplinary approach to applied research on sustainability in Scotland and is a Knowledge Transfer Centre within the University's School of the Built and Natural Environment. Dr. Paul Teedon, Senior Research Fellow in Community Engagement, has an established track record of working with communities of interest, especially those who are socially and economically marginalised.

James Hutton Institute (formerly The Macaulay Institute), Aberdeen

Macaulay has long standing expertise in land use and soils, addressing core topics such as conserving Natural Heritage, developing rural Scotland, protecting the Nation's soils and enhancing water quality. Within EDPHiS, Rupert Hough, who has a background as an environmental/soil scientist, contributes his expertise in risk modelling and exposure assessment.

University of Glasgow, Division of Developmental Medicine, Section on Child Health, Glasgow

Child Health is responsible for the teaching of paediatrics and child health to undergraduate medical students and has major research programmes in Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; Paediatric Endocrinology; Paediatric Respiratory Disease; Paediatric Epidemiology and Community Health (PEACH Unit); Paediatric Rheumatology. Professor David Stone is an academic public health physician. His research interests include e.g. the epidemiology of birth defects and injury, in particular: The use of a birth defects register to monitor trends in prevalence. 

Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health (SDC), Edinburgh

SDC is an independent not-for-profit organisation that works to promote better mental health outcomes for individuals, families, communities and organisations. The organisation undertakes applied research and evaluation and provides development and capacity building support, working with government, the NHS, local authorities and the community and voluntary sector. Allyson McCollam, (Chief Executive) has led a range of projects on mental health improvement in Scotland and has been involved in many expert working groups. She is currently lead for the EU funded SUPPORT project that focuses on the profile of mental health within EU policy agendas.

 In collaboration with:

MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit (SPHSU), Glasgow

SPHSU's studies of social and environmental influences on health include both explanatory and evaluative work on the impact of physical and social environments on the health of people in Scotland, with a particular focus on neighbourhoods; housing and urban regeneration; transport and travel; and the workplace. Dr. Anne Ellaway has worked for many years on the social and physical environment in urban neighbourhoods, on the impact of these on physical and mental health, and on mapping health promoting and damaging features of local environments.